Seeing the Big Picture

Recently, while flying home, we spotted our home from the plane! It was really crazy to see everything from that perspective. Sometimes it’s nice to see the big picture!

Our oldest gave Husband a large map of our property from a flyover perspective for Christmas. We had one from about 10-12 years ago, before we began to clear land and develop the property. We got the map a few weeks after Christmas and then right on the heels of that, we caught the photo from the plane. The two instances caused me to have a “verily, verily” kind of moment.

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It Was an Inside Job

We have this steer that has become quite the escape artist. He and a heifer were in the catch pen together being fed for slaughter. The heifer had her date with the freezer, but this guy still has a bit more time. Now that he is alone, he gets bored. He has learned how to open all the gates in the catch pen.

Husband would turn handles certain ways to prevent cows from opening gates. That doesn’t work with this steer. He opens gates and undoes chains! Husband has had to tie gates shut and still we have issues. Now the steer is letting other cattle out and not just himself!

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They Don’t Know What’s Coming

My daughter recently shared something that was on her heart. She doesn’t often speak in front of people so when she does, you most certainly should listen! She spoke about a day that she was driving home from work and it had been a long hard day. She passed a pasture that was full of steers that were being fed out for a feed lot.

She said the steers were running and bucking and playing all across that pasture and she thought about how they were running and playing without a care in the world, but they also had no idea of what was ahead of them. They had no idea what was coming!

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