Look at that lovely little girl! She’s so friendly and inquisitive! But if you look closely, you will see two big, nasty horse flies that were driving her crazy! I should have videoed her. She wanted to know what I was doing and wanted to get as close to me as she could. But she was so distracted by the two horse flies that wanted to land on her face. The flies didn’t try to land on her back or sides. She would shake her head and chase them off and they would fly and land right back on her nose. She was definitely needing a little fly protection!
It’s breeding season on the farm and we are in full swing! We have been super busy with cattle breeding. It’s always fun to plan for the next year’s calf crop, but it is also a little stressful! Should we or shouldn’t? That is always the question. Who to breed who to? What bull should we use? It also seems that we, along with every other cattle breeder, are always chasing new bulls. Who’s the next “great” bull? Who’s new?
We put a lot of time and homework into choosing the “right” bull to breed to each cow. It takes a lot of planning and we try to have a wide variety. It does always seem like we find ourselves chasing new bulls, new pedigrees and trying to make something great happen. This year we had a couple of different options and some of those made us stop and really think. One of the items we like to look at is progeny. What do past calves of the animal look like? Are there a lot of calves registered to a particular bull? If there aren’t, it makes you wonder why not?
With everybody out of town except for me, a lot of the duties of the farm fell my way! I had to feed up every day, put out hay, and most importantly, I was on mom duty! I had to check on them. It is calving season and every day, sometimes multiple times a day, I had to go out and check on cattle. Not only do the expectant moms need checking, but the recently calved as well. Calves need to be checked to ensure that they are growing getting what they need!
Cows are just like humans in a lot of ways….not every new mom knows what to do and not every baby either! We had one kid that couldn’t figure out nursing and had to move to a bottle and cows are no different. Most of the time, nature does know how to take care of itself, but every now and then there’s a calf that has issues or is too weak or just can’t figure out how to nurse! There are times that cows have trouble giving birth, calves can be breach or even com backwards!
So having cows at calving time means riding around and checking the moms. While everyone was gone, I had two calves come easy, one set of twins and one that was born and fell in the pond! It was a crazy two weeks!