Two things that don’t go together….rain and hay! This summer has truly been one to remember. It has been very difficult to get that 3 day window to cut and bale hay, while in other parts of the country, farmers are extremely dry and in need of rain. Recently, hay was cut and although great attempts were made to get it baled in time, the storms rolled in and the hay was ruined. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned!
Hay that is cut and baled for cattle can get a little wet, if it is allowed to dry before baling. But hay for horses cannot get wet at all. I don’t know all of the science and reasons behind it, but I’m sure it has something to do with cows having 4 stomachs and the ability to process the hay in a way that horses can’t. Nevertheless, when our friends cut down this hay for horses, and the rain came, the hay was ruined. I don’t know about you, but standing in a field looking at a $10,000 loss is a sobering thought!
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