We found Him!

the baby Jesus from the nativity - we found him

Our nativity scene is one of our most treasured Christmas decorations. It was made and painted by my grandmother many years ago when she had a ceramic shop. It is the kids’ job to set it out and it is an event at my house!

Every year, since they were very small, the kids have raced and yes, sometimes even fought, over finding baby Jesus! Not the camels, cow, or donkey and not the wisemen, shepherds or parents, but baby Jesus has always been the most prized find!

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Fragile Ornaments

christmas tree in the morning light

Sitting is not something that I do very much, unless the task at hand requires it. But this morning, I was up early (also unusual) and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I sat in the living room, coffee in hand, and just sat. I reflected on things. I prayed. I tried to figure a few things out. Made a few lists on paper and in my head.

I sat. I slowed down and just was present in the moment.

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The Phone Call

We got that call….you know the one that every parent fears? The one that sets your entire world spinning and motionless at the same time.

At 6:10pm on December 10, 2020, I got that call. I was finishing some Christmas shopping in Mobile and the kids had headed to our daughter’s apartment near the college (an hour and a half from home) to gather clothes, the hamster and prepare to be home for the holiday. They were going to spend the night and come back home the following day. They never made it.

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