Love Her Well -Book Review

Love Her Well is a great book written by Kari Kampakis. Although written with parenting the teenage daughter in mind, this book is chock full of parenting wisdom for both boys and girls. The author writes from the experience of raising 4 daughters.

The subtitle of the book is “10 ways to find joy and connection with your teenage daughter.” Each of the 10 chapters focuses on one of these 10 ways. But Kari goes even further and includes many lists and lots of research to back up each of these topics. For example, in the chapter “Choose Your Words (and Timing) Carefully”, the author gives an additional list of 35 Ways to Speak Life to a Teenager. This is great information whether you are parenting a girl or a boy; also helpful for youth leaders and anyone who is working with or impacting teens.

book picture while reading outside

Each chapter is filled with revelation from God’s Word to make the writer’s point and each ends with Reflection Questions for life application and meditation.

One of my favorite points is from the chapter titled “Be Her Mom.” We are called to be the parent, not the friend and sometimes that is hard. In the list of 20 Ways to Prepare Your Daughter for the Road, number 2 on the list is one of my favorites. I am a proponent of spiritual discernment. I feel strongly that not only Christians, but especially Christian parents should operate in the gift of discernment.

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This is why this item stuck out to me so vividly. “Talk about 5 second decisions.” There will be many times that not only as parents, but our teens will need to make those split second decisions. There isn’t time for fasting and prayer. There is no way you can phone a friend for wise counsel. You have to have discernment and know what God is saying on the matter quickly! Our teens and us need that more now than ever before. We have to be talking to them on a regular basis about these things and teaching them to hear the voice of God.

My teen daughter is now 18 and our last, and youngest child is 16 and the days of being able to influence and imprint on them are quickly passing. But now, more than ever, our kids need us to love them and parent them wisely and spiritually. This book emphasizes just that!

I would like to dedicate this blog post and book review in loving memory of my mother-in-law, Sandra Ellison. She passed away due to Covid-19 on Thursday, August 20th, 2020. She didn’t read this book, but she could’ve written it. She was a godly woman who raised her children to follow Him with their whole heart. She taught me many things and I am thankful for the mother that she was. She loved her children well. I have the husband that I have today because of her. May we all be remembered for our Kingdom work in our own families and in the lives of others as she is!

Being Me…Unapologetic!

DI- photo from the farm

Can we just take a moment to look at this big, beautiful girl? This is Di, one of our cows. She was our daughter’s show cow for a show season 2+ years ago. She is a vital part of our herd. We were blessed to acquire her from our friends at Little Creek Farm. We love her. She is a favorite of ours! Can you tell why?

Continue reading “Being Me…Unapologetic!”

Site Prep

Woods on fire

That’s a big fire! You should have seen it; you should have felt it! We are doing some site prep on the farm and this fire was the start of that work.

We are getting ready to put in more pasture and to do that, we needed to clear more land. In order for us to begin clearing with all of the heavy equipment, husband wanted to burn first. And yes, we had a burn permit.

We started by disking the ground with the tractor all the way around the areas that we intended to burn. This gave some barrier around the area to hopefully stop the fire if it attempted to cross. We also set the fire so that it would back burn. By back burning, the fire would burn against the wind instead of with the direction of the wind. This way, it would take longer to burn, but had less of a chance of getting out of control.

Continue reading “Site Prep”