The Work Isn’t Done

night time on the farm, when the work isn't done the lights are on at the barn after dark

Around here, on the farm, the work is never done. We start out the day with one plan, but typically by the end of the day, the plan has changed several times! Most days start early, and with the time change in effect, most days end late as well. Lights on at the barn, at dark, is a sure sign that the work isn’t done.

Some days the work that didn’t get done can be put off until tomorrow. But, other days there are things that just can’t wait. Whether it’s the bottle baby that needs to be fed at the end of the day or maybe it’s tractor work or a tire change for a piece of equipment that will be needed early in the morning, sometimes no matter how late it is, the work still has to be done.

The problem with some work is that it eventually gets too dark. There are some jobs that cannot be done at night no matter how many lights there are. There have been times that equipment couldn’t be brought inside the barn under the bright lights. Sometimes the parts that are needed can’t be gotten because the store is closed. Nevertheless, lights on at the barn after dark is never really a good sign!

I stood on the porch on this particular evening, looking at the barn with the lights on at dusk. More than likely, I was probably trying to figure out how late supper would be but, I overwhelmingly felt compelled to run and grab my phone and take a picture. After I had complied and taken the photo, I stood looking at the barn and wondered just why God would want me to take a picture of this particular seen. As I stood and prayed I heard him answer. It was just a nibble of a scripture that I couldn’t quite place.

“Night is coming when no man can work.”

the sun setting over the pond

I had to go read the words. John 9:3-5. Even Jesus understood that opportunities for service, ministry and doing good don’t last forever. He knew that he had to heal the man, even though doing this on the Sabbath would bring opposition against Him. He knew that His time was short and He had work to do….because night was coming and the work wasn’t done.

What a reminder! Night is coming. All day long, whether here on the farm or our other full-time jobs, we chase our tales with the knowledge that night is coming. You know it; you do it too! We hurry through the day knowing that the clock is ticking and we have things that we have to accomplish before we can lay our heads down on those pillows and fall asleep with the thoughts of the next day.

The work isn’t done though. In John 4:31-38, the disciples were trying to convince Jesus to stop and eat. Same thing as I was thinking standing on that porch that evening, “Come on husband. Stop working and eat. It’s time to end the work for the day.” But Jesus answered them and said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.  Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. “

field of cows with husband standing at the fence

If I had spoken to husband that night, he would’ve told me that he had things that had to be done. The work wasn’t done, there was lots to do and he would be home when he was finished. I probably would have sounded a lot like the disciples and complained that it could be done tomorrow…. Jesus shut that response down from them. He said, “You say we have 4 months until harvest. I say, the work isn’t done, the time is now.” ( The Heather translation!)

If we ever needed to hear those words, I believe it is today. The sun is setting, quickly. Night is coming when no man can work. The harvest is ready and the work isn’t done. In Matthew 9, Jesus went further to say, “The harvest is plentiful (there is plenty of work to do), but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers…”

I pray that each one of us would see that the work isn’t done. Let us not get complacent. Let us not believe the lie of the enemy that someone else will do it. Today, I pray to the Lord of the harvest, send laborers; send me! Father we know, that the time is short. You are coming soon. May I, may we all, work until the work is done. Pointing others to You, sharing as You lead. Amen.

faith from the farm, sharing as He leads

Giving the Gift

We can’t do anything on the farm in all the rain and mud! So we are taking the time to Spotlight our friends and their ministry (with their permission, of course). This is definitely a sobering topic, but we urge you to consider how you can help. Please take the time to read, share and SUPPORT!

Who doesn’t love to receive a gift? Who are we kidding? Everyone loves to receive a gift! But do you know that giving the gift is the best part? Have you ever given a gift that you knew the receiver was just going to love and you waited and watched with excitement for them to open and see? Wasn’t that the best?

two hands holding a gift wrapped with a red bow

Now think about it…..It’s that gift, that in order to give it, it will cost you dearly. It didn’t cost you time or money, it cost you your life.

Continue reading “Giving the Gift”

Feed the Hungry – Spotlighting Ministry

Guatemalan girl in the sunlight

Beautiful, isn’t she? We have been blessed to have been traveling to Guatemala for a number of years as a part of a medical missions team. That little girl is one of the many faces that stole our hearts all of those years ago. She and others are the reason that we do what we do alongside In Jesus Name Medical Missions. We believe that we are called to serve and support the people of Guatemala and part of that mission includes the directive to feed the hungry.

We are so humbled to be a part of In Jesus Name Medical Missions and what they are doing in Guatemala. More than 10 years ago, this group started working in Guatemala by making a once a year medical mission trip. Doctors, nurses, dentists, and numerous others make this yearly trip to work and serve for 4 days and see more than a thousand patients in remote, poor villages. The team functions to show each and every person that comes to the pop-up clinics, Jesus.

As they are seen by the physicians and nurses, they are also ministered to spiritually. While they pick up their medications from the pharmacy, they are told that Jesus loves them. When they walk through the hospitality area, where clothing and personal hygiene items are given, they are hugged and blessed. The last stop of the clinic experience is to sit with the evangelical team, who through interpreters, offer to pray with each and every person for their illnesses and any other needs that they may have. At the end of each day, 200 families are given enough food to last for 30 days. That food will fit in a bag approximately the same size of the plastic grocery bags we use.

About 5 years ago, the dream and vision of In Jesus Name grew. They became a legal foundation in Guatemala and then began the search to purchase property. Collaborating with local pastors and churches, the plan was to build a feeding center that would service the 100+ orphans of the small village, El Tejar. That plan is about to become a reality! We are just a few short months away from the vision coming to life!

The Feeding Center, although incomplete, held its first service during the May 2019 trip. It was a wonderful time of celebration and beginning to see what had only been seen in minds and on paper. But now the real work begins. A team will leave at the beginning of December to assist in unloading a shipping container of furniture and appliances and moving those items into the building. A group from Mobile, Alabama plans to use the building as a mission house in early January while they are in Guatemala distributing shoe boxes with Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child.

Following the completion of the building, In Jesus Name will open the Feeding Center for service. The upstairs portion of the building will serve as a place for teams to stay when in the area either to work at the feeding center or in the surrounding villages. Downstairs will include a large indoor and outdoor eating area as well as a commercial kitchen and live-in staff housing. A meal will be served daily to the 100+ orphans of this small community along with the Word of God.

The mission of In Jesus Name is to keep and honor Matthew 25:37-40. ” ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?  And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?  And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’  And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ “

One of the more recent accomplishments was the completion of the well. This well will supply fresh, pure water to the feeding center and beyond! We do not know yet the plan that God has for In Jesus Name here in El Tejar and in Guatemala. The future dreams include purchasing some of the surrounding property and developing those parcels to include an orphanage, a school and so much more!

The current need here is this, will you also choose to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty? Many will never travel to a foreign country to serve. Does that mean that they cannot fulfill the Great Commission to go into the all the world and serve? No! The opportunity to sponsor a child and support the work of God in Guatemala is just that opportunity. Some can go and some cannot; but those who cannot go, can send. You can support a child for less than a dollar a day. That money will feed a child a nutritious meal, provide pure water and also give them the chance to hear the Word of God and know Him.

Will you feed the hungry?

If you would like to donate or sponsor a child for $25 a month or $300 a year, click here. If you are interested in going on one of the 3 planned mission trips in 2020 to serve and work in the feeding center and the surrounding villages, you can click here to send a message and receive more information.

We hope to spotlight more ministries on a regular basis. We would love to hear from you and the ministries that you support. Please feel free to reach out to us! ***Other than nominal administrative costs, nearly 100% of all donations go directly to Guatemala and its people.