Getting Ahead

cows getting ahead

Have you ever watched cattle being let into a new pasture? Cattle people will definitely know what I’m talking about here. The cattle can barely eat because they are constantly moving, just trying to get in front. They hardly stop to graze before they are walking again, getting ahead of those around them.

I stood and watched the other day as a group was moved into a fresh, green pasture. The grass was dark green and thick. It had grown tall and blowed in the wind. To me, it looked like a cow would be able to stand in one place for hours and eat without moving much. Instead, they walked and even ran, all over the pasture.

I wanted to take pictures of the beautiful girls, their dark red was such a contrast in the green grass. But they wouldn’t be still for a minute. Just as one stopped to take a bite, she would notice someone moving to a new spot and that one would hurry over there. Then the one behind her has to catch up or try to take the lead.

cows in the green grass trying to get ahead of each other

It was an endless cycle and 15 minutes later, I gave up trying to get a decent photo. The entire herd had crossed and zig-zagged across the pasture too many times to count. Husband said wait a day or so and come back for pictures. Each cow was so concerned that another would get a better bite that none of them could enjoy what they had.

I told husband, “Just think of all they are missing, trying to keep up with one another. They could have full bellies by now if they would just stop and enjoy where they are instead of trying to get ahead of one another.”

God spoke quick and clear. “Same goes for my children.”

Yep. He’s so right; He always is. Just think of all we miss while we are trying to keep up with others or get ahead. Don’t act like you haven’t done it or at least thought of it. We all do it. If we didn’t, there would have been no need for 2 Corinthians 10:12. “Comparing ourselves among ourselves.”

Just think of all we are missing around us while we are busy looking at where others are and trying to get to that point. We even do it in the little things. Social media hasn’t helped but it’s not to blame; it has just made what others are doing easier to see.

It’s easy to think that we aren’t envious but in reality we all are. It’s our human nature. If you stop and think, what have you gotten or purchased lately because someone else had it? I can think of a few things. Last week I bought one of those plastic covers that should be placed over food in the microwave to keep it from splattering. Now for 25+ years, I have used a paper towel, paper plate or nothing to do this same thing. But all of the sudden last week, I needed this cover so I purchased one.

Guess what’s happening now? Think my family decided to start using that thing? Absolutely not! Today, I watched my son take the cover out of the microwave and sit it on the counter while his food cooked! I wasted that $7! All because I thought I needed something that someone else had.

Silly example, I know, but it’s true. We all do what those cows do. We miss what we are standing in because we are so busy looking at what others are doing, what they have and where they are going. So here’s our gentle reminder today to stop and be at peace with what we have and where we are, even if everyone around us is getting ahead.

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. Proverbs 14:30

4 Replies to “Getting Ahead”

  1. I love reading your posts, Heather. It is always right on time and just what my heart needs. Thank you for sharing. It blesses me every time.

    1. And comments like this are just what my heart needs! Just when I think I didn’t get it right, someone says something like this! Thank you for the effort to confirm my heart!

  2. So true. I loved the analogy of the cows zig zagging from spot to spot instead of being content where they were, to us zig zagging through life instead of stopping to savor the moments.

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