New Mercies

This time of year there is practically a new baby born every morning! Calving season is underway. Husband is going to bed checking cows and waking up checking for babies. Who doesn’t like waking up to a new baby every morning?

Life has been busy and lots of things have changed for us. My creative side has been just about buried and when I finally “hear” something to write about, I just can’t find the time or energy. I was honestly considering closing the blog site down. What even is there new to write about anymore? I’ve written on just about everything on the farm and who is even reading this anymore?

But this weekend I spoke with our “favorite” uncle and he really spoke straight to my heart. He said “you need to get back to it.” Out of the blue, he brought it up and I haven’t said a word to anyone about my thoughts. I hung up the phone and prayed.

God is faithful. Immediately He spoke one phrase, “My mercies are new every morning.” Without a second thought about it, I began to type this post.

Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV says, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
If I could go to bed every day with the same expectation of His mercy that husband goes to bed with looking for a new calf…what a way to live!

I didn’t read my Bible yesterday … new mercies, today is a new day. I didn’t pray today or not long enough today….but He has new mercies for me tomorrow. I didn’t stop and hear His word spoken to me and write it to share, but He is faithful to speak tomorrow and I will listen!

I don’t know about you… but I am not only thankful that He is faithful, but I am grateful for His mercy. I don’t want to take it for granted but I am so glad that in His love for us, that His mercy doesn’t end! It is available. I don’t even have to wait to wake up in the morning, it is accessible to me 24/7!

Just like husband walks to the door and grabs the binoculars to check the cows across the pond, I can go to my knees, (physically or spiritually in humility) and grab hold of His mercy and He applies it to my heart. He searches me and sees who I am and what I’ve done and He still loves me and still calls me His!

So, here’s your reminder! Look to him with expectation, seek Him with your whole heart and He has a precious gift waiting for you every morning, every minute of the day… His mercy and His grace!

4 Replies to “New Mercies”

  1. I love reading your blog. I’m glad you’re still continuing to write! Time…it is such a precious commodity. We have to be discerning in how we use it. Your posts are inspiring and I love hearing about the goings on that are happening in the ranch – and of course the pictures that go with. Precious! Thank you for giving us a portion of your time.

  2. Love this! Don’t quit your blog, keep pushing through.
    I love that he gives us new mercy each morning. I am so thankful that I don’t have to use yesterday or the day before or last month or last years mercy. It’s new, it’s refreshing. Leave the old behind because you can’t do anything about the past even if it a second, a minute, an hour. It is still in the past.
    I just have to keep going forward with the new mercy.
    Love you friend!

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