Running Out of Gas

four wheeler running out of gas

Cars, trucks, four wheelers, and tractors all need gas! Then there are chainsaws and lawn mowers and everything else in between, all needing gas! Occasionally, like this morning, one of them runs out of gas.

Once it runs out of gas, the rider is stranded. Thankfully this morning, he wasn’t too far from the house. Also thankfully, it was the four wheeler and not the tractor. Some things running out of gas are a lot easier to get cranked back up than others! Tractors and bulldozers for example, take lots of work to “bleed the lines” and all that stuff!

Running out of gas can be time consuming and costly!

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New! I Hate New, How About You?

New. These days everyone is looking for new. Especially this year, the new year is probably the most anticipated that it has ever been. Everyone is looking forward to putting 2020 behind them, in hopes that 2021 will bring a better year. But I hate new!

Our world is looking for new. New diets, new fitness regimens, new home decor…. you name it, if it’s new, we want it. The new year is the time of year that brings a feeling of fresh starts and renewed determination. Resolutions are being made, and broken, and lots of money is being spent in order to start fresh in the new year.

Currently our family is experiencing a lot of new things. We have several changes going on in our lives and those changes will bring lots of “new” to our schedules and our home. We have quite a few new calves on the farm as well, and those also bring lots of challenges as some are born without event and others come and need a little extra attention.

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We found Him!

the baby Jesus from the nativity - we found him

Our nativity scene is one of our most treasured Christmas decorations. It was made and painted by my grandmother many years ago when she had a ceramic shop. It is the kids’ job to set it out and it is an event at my house!

Every year, since they were very small, the kids have raced and yes, sometimes even fought, over finding baby Jesus! Not the camels, cow, or donkey and not the wisemen, shepherds or parents, but baby Jesus has always been the most prized find!

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