Getting it Wrong & Making it Right

Can I be real for a minute? Am I the only one that ever just gets it wrong sometimes? Am I the only one who when you step away from a situation, realizes just how bad you messed up?

Do you ever put your foot in your mouth and then make room to squeeze the other one in there with it? Am I the only one who tries to bring peace to a situation only to end up with the realization that you only made it more chaotic?

Have you ever made the statement that you aren’t controlling, yet all the while trying to “manage” the circumstances?

Continue reading “Getting it Wrong & Making it Right”

Site Prep

Woods on fire

That’s a big fire! You should have seen it; you should have felt it! We are doing some site prep on the farm and this fire was the start of that work.

We are getting ready to put in more pasture and to do that, we needed to clear more land. In order for us to begin clearing with all of the heavy equipment, husband wanted to burn first. And yes, we had a burn permit.

We started by disking the ground with the tractor all the way around the areas that we intended to burn. This gave some barrier around the area to hopefully stop the fire if it attempted to cross. We also set the fire so that it would back burn. By back burning, the fire would burn against the wind instead of with the direction of the wind. This way, it would take longer to burn, but had less of a chance of getting out of control.

Continue reading “Site Prep”

“Grace Looks Amazing on You” Book Review

I was so excited to receive a copy of “Grace Looks Amazing on You- 100 Days of Reflecting God’s Love.” This was an unbelievable opportunity, not to mention how this came to be!

I was checking email and came across this offer to do a book review. My thought was that it may be a scam or just junk mail. As I continued checking emails, I came across my daily devo from Proverbs 31 ministries. (If you don’t receive these, you are really missing out!) I don’t read them every day, but for certain on the days that I do, God has usually provided just what I need. This day was no different!

I opened the devotion and straight away, I noticed the author’s name. It was the very same author of the book that I had just been given the opportunity to review. Now I don’t believe in karma or coincidences. I believe in divine appointments from God Himself. So here I am, holding this beautiful, hard cover book and writing a book review! God is truly amazing and so is His grace!