Fear Has to Leave

Our dog is four years old. She has suffered from fear and terrible anxiety for the better part of 2 1/2 years. Before she was a year old, her mother was killed and she was shot and wounded. She was never the same. She became afraid of everything, even us.

Jacey was on track to be a fine dog. Her mother was a hunter and tracker and Jacey would’ve been great too. After her ordeal, she was extremely timid and cowered at everyone. She never left home and never barked. To tell the truth, she would pee everywhere and every time she was nervous, even in the house when we would try to bring her in during storms or cold weather.

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Promises and Dusty Roads

When the weather took a cooler turn, I attempted to get back to walking a few times a week. The temp was bearable but the dust was not. With every step, a dust cloud was formed. It reminded me of an old song.

“There’s a promise coming down that dusty road” was a popular song by Karen Wheaton when I was young. I couldn’t get it out of my mind on my dusty walk. I could imagine the dust cloud formed by Jesus and his entourage as they walked into town.

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Growing Deep Roots

We are now considered to be in an extreme drought. There are others in varying stages, but some have already reached the exceptional drought stage. Our area of Mississippi is now in the fifth driest August since 1895 with September stats about to be released. We did a little riding around this weekend to take a look at the pastures and noticed the extreme drought conditions and how they are taking a toll on the pastures.

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