Signs Everywhere

Fall is here and is in full swing. I wish that it had brought us cooler temperatures, but it has definitely brought us dry weather. Everywhere you look there are signs that fall has arrived.

My father-in-law always notices the yellow butterflies in the fall. I have seen spiderwebs covering the grass everywhere! I can remember waiting in line with my children for drop off when they were still in school. We would always see spiderwebs in the grass, especially on dew covered mornings. Leaves are changing and the colors are beautiful. We are in such drought conditions currently, that the leaves are changing and dropping rapidly.

We calve in the fall, so calves are bouncing around the pastures and hay is starting to be put out for the cattle, all signs that fall is here. Hunting season is beginning and that not only means that winter pastures for the cattle are being planted but green patches for deer hunting. Trail cams and a fall garden with winter vegetables are more of the signs all around us that say summer is gone and fall has fully arrived.

There are more signs to notice. Signs that the return of Jesus, to this earth, are everywhere. His return is closer than ever before. Maybe you aren’t a believer, BUT it doesn’t take a Christian to see and feel that things have changed and signs are pointing to something about to happen. Wars are rampant. Cultural changes are multiplying daily. The battle between good and evil is no longer hidden, but on the nightly news and in every social media post.

Matthew chapter 24 is one of the most direct passages and explanations we have. The disciples asked for signs and Jesus gave them numerous examples.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 calls out many signs. “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”

It is time to pay attention to the signs. When the seasons change, we do different things. We begin to put away summer clothes and pull out fall and winter apparel. We prepare for the season to change. We prepare for that which is to come, whatever that is.

On the farm, when we know that fall and winter are coming, we prepare to have food for the cattle because we know that the summer pastures will be gone. We know that calves are coming, so we begin to prepare for those calves to arrive and monitor the cows.

If we know that Jesus is coming, what are we doing to be prepared for it? Are we paying attention to the signs? Are we telling people about Jesus? Are we making sure that our hearts and lives are right with Him and not right in our own eyes and right according to our standards?

There will be lots of social media posts about current events today, (it is US Election Day) and in the next week or so. But the most important thing that we could tell someone today is to pay attention to the signs and be prepared for what is to come. And the best way to be prepared today is to make sure that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

One Reply to “Signs Everywhere”

  1. We are all experiencing the seasonal changes but the one constant in our lives should continue to be Jesus Christ. He is the Lord of all and in His holy name we pray for His mercy and love in our lives, our country and the whole world! Amen!

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