Two things that don’t go together….rain and hay! This summer has truly been one to remember. It has been very difficult to get that 3 day window to cut and bale hay, while in other parts of the country, farmers are extremely dry and in need of rain. Recently, hay was cut and although great attempts were made to get it baled in time, the storms rolled in and the hay was ruined. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned!
Hay that is cut and baled for cattle can get a little wet, if it is allowed to dry before baling. But hay for horses cannot get wet at all. I don’t know all of the science and reasons behind it, but I’m sure it has something to do with cows having 4 stomachs and the ability to process the hay in a way that horses can’t. Nevertheless, when our friends cut down this hay for horses, and the rain came, the hay was ruined. I don’t know about you, but standing in a field looking at a $10,000 loss is a sobering thought!

It isn’t that faith wasn’t there! We prayed. They prayed. We believed and the storms still rolled in. Does that mean that we did something wrong? Why didn’t God answer the way we wanted him to? I have no idea. Just two weeks later, I found myself about an hour from home with storms headed our way and our fertilizer was uncovered. We have a huge sheet of plastic that is used to cover the fertilizer pile and at that moment, I began to pray. As my kids and I drove toward home from our separate locations (a little faster than we should have), I prayed specifically, “God, hold it back.”
I said that prayer over and over. Hold it back. I got within 1 mile of home and it started to rain. Still, I asked Him to hold it back. I pulled onto our road and within 1/2 mile of my driveway, the rain stopped. I asked Him again to hold it back. We all hurried to cover the fertilizer and secure the plastic as the wind began to blow. From across the pond, we could see the rain as if fell on the barn. Still we asked Him to hold it back.
And He did. As soon as we were finished and the plastic secure, the drops began to fall. My kids and I looked at each other and I saw their faith increase. God did it. He held back the rain just long enough for us to finish, and then it rained. Not only did it rain a little, it dropped 2 1/2 inches in about 45 minutes! God answered and He answered in a resounding way.

Why did He choose to hold the rain back that day and not the day we asked Him to so the hay didn’t get wet? I HAVE NO IDEA. But you know what? He does. He knows the reasons why. Isaiah 55 is clear. “My thoughts are not your thoughts…so my ways are higher than your ways.” He sees a much bigger picture than us and His view is long term when we can be very short sighted.
So, did the hay get rained on? Yes it did. Is He still God and will I still love and serve Him, even when He doesn’t answer the way I want and the storm rolls in? Yes and yes. I have come to learn, He has my best interest at heart. He wants the best for me even when I can’t see what that is and especially when He doesn’t answer in the way I have asked.

So today, if the storm clouds are looming on the horizon, or maybe the storm has already rolled in, your “hay” got rained on and you are disappointed that He didn’t answer your way, be reminded that He is in control. He loves you. He cares for you and cares about the things you care about. He didn’t forget you or ignore your request. His way was just higher than yours. He saw a bigger picture and He did what was best.
Lord, whether we load hay in the sunshine or in the rain, may we always know and understand your love for us. Father, may we remember that You see what we don’t and You see farther ahead than we can even imagine. You know our needs and our wants. You know how to give good gifts to Your children; let us find the good in all that You do!