A New Thing!

We returned home from our recent trip to Starkville, MS with a large box of apples. We attended a cattle sale there, at our friends’ sale, The Magnolia Classic. They bring in several varieties of apples from their hometown orchards in West Virginia to share with all of the people visiting their farm and supporting their sale. We definitely brought home more than we could eat, so I had to figure out a new thing to do with them!

I made apple pie filling last year and canned it, but we still have some left and I didn’t have as much time to commit to that again. I put in a little research and realized that apple sauce was easy to do and could be used in quite a few recipes, if I don’t just end up eating it out of the jar! It was so easy to peel and cut up the apples, throw in a few ingredients, turn on the crockpot and walk away!

After a few hours in the crockpot and a good stir, the applesauce was done. I poured it into some jars, canned it and ta-da, homemade applesauce! I ended up doing a couple of batches and still had to give some apples away because there were so many. A few still remain on the counter, hoping to be eaten!

cattle sale

I really didn’t intend to write about the sale or the apples, but something struck me as I watched my kids this weekend. They went out on a search to buy a pumpkin. Last minute and on a Sunday evening, they had a hard time finding a suitable pumpkin to carve. Do you know what they ended up doing? They bought watermelons! Watermelons!

I mean, who does that? Who decides, there aren’t pumpkins available, so let’s carve a watermelon instead? My kids, that’s who! And by doing so they taught me a valuable lesson!

I took a look at the creativity and the ingenuity of what they had done and I was amazed! But it’s quite the same thing that moms and wives do every day cooking supper/dinner, right? You take something and turn it into something else! Just like turning apples, that will spoil and go bad, into applesauce that will be shelf stable for a few years.

God spoke so softly to my heart, that still, small voice, as I looked at that pumpkin...”Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18 ESV

What a promise! And what a reminder! Sometimes I get stuck. I get stuck on what I see or what is in front of me. I get hung up on a situation or worse yet, completely lose the vision. Proverbs 29:18 KJV says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Just like those apples, without a vision to make them last, they will perish. Just like my kids, without a vision, the plans of carving a pumpkin would have vanished. Instead, they took the vision and ran with it and were able to turn their plan into a reality.

Can I encourage you today, along with myself, to grasp the vision? Take hold of His vision, His plan and run with it! Don’t get bogged down in the things that you cannot change. Don’t get stuck in situations or what you see in front of you. If you do, it may perish. But if we could see things with His vision, through His eyes, we can see Him do a new thing! We will see our dreams and our visions become reality!

Maybe your vision is for a lost child, a broken marriage, or a financial crisis. He is doing a new thing! We just have to have His vision to see it! Listen to what He said, he is not a man that He should lie. If He said it, He will do it!

Have vision and see those apples turn into a new thing!

apple sauce on the counter - turning apples into a new thing!

An Apple a Day….

Circle E Ellie in the sale ring!

We have been away from the farm a lot here lately and we are slowly trying to get back into a routine. We were in Starkville, MS recently for our friends-who-are-family’s big cattle sale. We took some time to be with them for a few days and attempt to help! We had a great time and yes, we sold some cattle; but we bought a few too, of course! We came away from the weekend with lots of leftovers, plenty of memories, a ton of laughs, and a few too many apples! Apples at a cattle sale? Yes! One thing that they do traditionally for this sale is to give away fresh-picked apples from West Virginia. Several different types are brought in and everyone goes away with apples. We just happened to have come home with a lot!

What do you do with more apples than you can eat? Well, I love to can and so naturally, I made plans to can apple pie filling! I had great plans in my mind until I stood at the sink to begin coring and peeling apples. What I had thought would be a big job turned into a monumental one! Fortunately, my daughter was home from college and had pity on her mother and helped me out. We cored, sliced, and peeled apples until we just couldn’t do anymore. (We had also eaten quite a few!) I got the pie filling ingredients cooking on the stove and added the apples to the mixture as she finished prepping. We had enough for several batches and it had the house smelling divine! After several turns in the canner, they all sealed and found themselves settled in the canning pantry. I was definitely a happy momma when we were done, except for my aching back and legs!

When I am canning, I always love thinking about God’s protection. I know that’s not what would come as a natural thought to anyone else!! When the jars are in the canner, they are experiencing extreme pressure and intense heat. The jars need the heat and pressure in order to seal the lid. The contents of the jar need the heat and pressure in order to kill bacteria and further cook the ingredients. The air comes out of the jars and the lid forms a seal that allows the jar to sit on the shelf and not need refrigeration. The contents of that jar are protected from the air, bacteria, and decay. Although canning recommendations tend to be a year or so, I know of one person who found jars that had been canned for 10+ years and opened them and found the contents to be just as if they were freshly preserved! ( Don’t freak out! They didn’t eat them!) The heat and pressure had done their job so well that the contents had withstood weather and the elements of time. Lots of times in life we find ourselves with the heat and/or pressure applied. It is uncomfortable and it usually isn’t any fun at all. But once the heat and pressure are applied the contents (that’s you and me) are preserved. Psalms 121 says, “The Lord is your keeper…The Lord will preserve you from all evil; He will preserve your soul. The Lord will preserve your going out and coming in from this time forth…” We come out of the canner preserved and kept for the future and for our appointed purpose. We are protected from all that rages around us. We still go through things, but we are protected and preserved through them.

I have often thought of canning and God’s protection, but this time I thought about something else. You know, all of those apples and the mixture of water, sugar, and spices go into those jars a combination of ingredients and come out something different. What went in is changed into a wonderful new formula. I love apples and who doesn’t love cinnamon and sugar; but cooked and cooled after the heat and pressure have been applied gives you something delightful. The thick pie filling can be used for all sorts of things that raw apples and the slurry of other ingredients could never accomplish. Friend, aren’t we happy that we aren’t what we once were? We have hope that once we come out of the pressure cooker of life that we will be changed into something totally different than what went in. Job 23:10, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” I am reminding myself as I gaze at those beautiful jars of hard work and apples, that I too am going to come out of the canner not as the dust and rocks that went; but I am coming out as pure gold. Endure the heat and the pressures of life! We will find ourselves kept and preserved by the Master and changed into the delightful recipe He designed us to be.

Hiding them in the canning pantry so I don’t just eat them straight out of the jar!!
  1. Heather, These are excellent words of advice as it seems I have been out of my comfort zone all week.…

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