Gettin’ Out of the Hole

Don’t step’ll sink!

People are always asking about the amount of work that goes into this place! Let me tell you, it’s a lot! And it never ends! Just when you get a few things checked off the list, something breaks or shows up unexpectedly and the list just continues to grow. This item on the list though, it is a thorn in the flesh! This little barn, we call the show barn, likes to hold water and the ground in the barn is awful. The animals in those particular pastures have to come in and out of the barn for shade. So every time they go in and lay down, they carry out mud with them when they leave! So over time, the ground level has dropped lower and lower. This week, while it’s so dry, husband decided to start trying to fill it back up. They had to use the tractor to load the dirt and then because of the way the barn is built, they could only dump the dirt right inside the doorway. They had to shovel the dirt from the front to the back, leveling it as they went. It was hot work, but when they were done, they had the one side filled back in and ready for the cows to come in and hopefully begin to pack it down. After some time, more will need to be added. Full disclosure: I watched, rode the tractor for company, took a few pictures, brought water bottles, and shoveled less that 10 shovel-fulls of dirt which I was told were a pitiful excuse for help!

Life gets us down in the same way sometimes. We go around every day, busy giving parts of ourselves away to those around us. Maybe you’re a mother taking care of children, the home, the husband and possibly working a job outside the home as well. You might be a father working to provide for your family and still manage to come home and help your wife and spend quality with your children. Maybe you are a self employed business owner, we know all about that, and the job never ends. Whatever you are doing every day, you are just like those cattle. Every time you leave the barn, you take a little dirt out with you and the ground gets lower. Everyday you speak to someone, encourage someone, share God’s love with someone, your ground gets a little lower. Don’t wait as long as we did to fill the dirt back in. We should be reading our Bibles and praying everyday in order to build ourselves back up. We go back to the dirt pile, the Word, and get another load to dump in the low places and fill it all back in. On occasion, God sends someone with His Word to encourage you, but sometimes we have to do that for ourselves. No one was coming to work on our ground inside that barn and it sure wasn’t going to fix itself! We had to do it! It’s just like David in 1 Samuel 30:6. David found himself really low and none of his friends or fellow soldiers came and spoke encouraging words. As a matter of fact, they thought the situation was all David’s fault and spoke out against him. But the Word says that “David encouraged himself in the Lord.” He didn’t use a self help book or some great, secular podcast. Those are all good tools but when your ground is low, we must do like David and go to the Word, spend time in prayer, and encourage and build ourselves up.

It’s so easy, at least it is for me, to give, give, give, all day long and at the end of the day fall into bed without having even touched my Bible. Shocking truth, I know! Maybe you get it right every day, but friends I sure don’t! Today I’m looking at this pile of dirt as a reminder of what is needed. I have some low places that need to be filled in. And when I fill those in, I have more to give to others. The work never ends. Just like that barn on the farm, we will have to pay attention and continue to haul dirt in and keep the ground high so that water runs off and the ground doesn’t get as low again. You and I are that barn, we have to continually “Build ourselves up in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,” Jude 20. Does your ground feel a little low today, or maybe a lot? Here’s a reminder to encourage yourself and build up your ground.

These are some of the guilty mud carriers! Aren’t these boys cute though?

Tag….You’re It!

We are loving the fact that babies are arriving! But as cute as they are, new calves mean work! Each new baby and mom need to be watched carefully to ensure that the baby is getting the necessary nutrition and that mom knows what she’s doing! Each new calf also needs to get weighed, ear-tagged, and ear tattooed. Weights are taken for record keeping in order to keep breed records accurate. Ear tags are for our visual recognition purposes and the ear tattoos are for breed records and registrations. An animal’s registration can always be verified by matching the ear tattoo to the records. Husband, whether alone or with help, has to go out to the pasture with the scales and weigh, tag and tattoo all of the new calves. We try to do this as soon after birth as possible! I mean, wrestling 60-80 pounds of fresh, calm newborn is a whole lot easier than a few-day old, frisky baby! The tattoo can be visualized later if necessary but those ear tags are what is important for us. The ear tag, for our farm, usually includes the birth weight and date along with the dam and sire. The dam is the mother and the sire is the father. This visual information helps us to identify the calf and its genetics at a glance without having to pull records. Sometimes you need to know age of then calf to determine when to wean or who the calf belongs to when moving cattle to different pastures. Also, the dates and weights come in handy when visually comparing calves. We can determine if one maybe isn’t growing as fast as those of the same age range or if one is just a real standout based on size and age. Identification is really important and the quicker the better.

We can look in that pasture and identify a certain calf by that ear tag. Are you tagged? I have been asking that question of myself lately and have been (hopefully!) driving that into my children! Am I that easily identified in a crowd? We should be visually recognizable as Christians and children of God just like those calves are. Someone should be able to take one look at us and know who we are and who’s we are. John 13:35 ESV says “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I’ve been working on my love for others….I need a lot of work! I know, and maybe you do too, that it is easy to love the lovable. But I’m learning and reminding myself that I have a big ‘ole tag in my ear that says I am a Christian and that means I better act like it! I want others to know who and what I am. I want them to see me with that tag in my ear and say, “I know her. She’s a Christian.” I don’t want them to see that tag and be confused by it, or worse yet, not see my tag at all! I hope and pray that my appearance and behavior match my tag! So my reminder to myself, and maybe you today, would be to check to check our tags. Are you like the calf in the picture below? Have you lost your identification? It’s easy to get re-tagged. Just talk to Him today. He will be so happy to put the tag right back on you. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Praying for you all today. May we all be tagged and found in the pasture when He comes!

That one! You always have that one that looses her tag…now who is she again?
  1. We are watching the end draw near. Thank you for this well written timely piece. I loved the analogy of…