Being Me…Unapologetic!

DI- photo from the farm

Can we just take a moment to look at this big, beautiful girl? This is Di, one of our cows. She was our daughter’s show cow for a show season 2+ years ago. She is a vital part of our herd. We were blessed to acquire her from our friends at Little Creek Farm. We love her. She is a favorite of ours! Can you tell why?

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What are You Carrying?

On this Easter morning, I can’t help but reflect on this photo that I took back in February while visiting Bellingrath Gardens in Mobile, Alabama. This bee was working diligently and carried a great deal of pollen. Yet at this moment, the bee was on its way to gather more pollen from this Camellia flower. What are you carrying?

This forager bee’s job is to collect pollen and bring it back to the hive. Without the pollen, the hive’s main food source, the hive and the bees would die. He is literally carrying life back to the hive with every trip.

Today, with all that is going on in our world, much of what is being carried isn’t life. Some are carrying fear, stress, and even death. The Word says, ”Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:21. Much of our media, both on television and online social sources, carry death. What is spoken and carried into our hearts and our homes is strife and yes, death to the soul.

But today, on Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate the fact that Jesus is alive! We remember that He isn’t dead and in the grave, He is risen and He is alive. On a day filled with reminders of life, I am reminded to carry life. I want to carry it with my words, whether they are spoken or written. I want to carry life in my actions to all those around me.

Today, let us remember, like the honey bee, to carry life everywhere we go. See the bee doesn’t just carry life back to the hive. With every visit to every bloom, the bee is bringing life to every thing it touches. Cross pollination is what carries on life for flowers and even our fruits and vegetables.

May your Easter today be filled with life. May you be filled with life eternal through His salvation and may you carry that life to all that you come in contact with. What are you carrying? Today, it’s not a basket filled with eggs, but life through Jesus Christ.

Get Back in That Pen!

Baby calves loose in the driveway

We have quite a few baby calves around the farm right now. But one pen, here in front of the house, has quite a few calves that are all relatively the same age. Those calves consistently escape to explore and more than once we have had to tell them to get back in that pen!

That pasture is surrounded on two sides by a wooden fence. But on the other two sides, there is only a single strand of hot wire. At this age, the calves are just small enough that they can walk directly under the hot wire without getting shocked. They just walk right out of the pen and get into trouble!

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