Farms are work! Most people can never understand how much work goes on around here on a daily basis. I am so thankful for farmers of all kinds. Big farms, little farms, cattle farms, chicken or pig farms, crop farms, all farms/farmers are necessary and underappreciated! (my opinion) But at the end of the day, there is a lot of work involved and sometimes people can get the wrong idea. Our philosophy is that we aren’t chasing a living, we are chasing a legacy!
We have been storing up treasures! Most would think that I am crazy for calling a bunch of jars of fruits and veggies treasures, but that is what they are to me! I have even said before that my laundry room is my favorite room in the house, but that is because it also serves as a canning pantry. I love to be able to see all of the colorful jars and all of the hard work on display.
We look at cattle, a lot! We look at cattle everyday, really. Somedays, husband and I will just jump on the four-wheeler or side-by-side in the afternoon, and ride through the cattle for relaxation. I know, it’s weird. We talk about our day or whatever is coming up; sometimes we talk about the cows. We make decisions on who should go and who should stay. It’s our time together. Yesterday, we did this as a wind-down from a full weekend and on our way back to the house, I asked him to stop the buggy so I could get out and take a few pictures.
Like a lot of other times, I knew there was a Word brewing in my spirit. I looked at the pasture that was overloaded with cattle. We have brought home the entire herd from the winter pastures. All of the cattle are here at home while the winter grass is dying and the summer grass is trying to take off. There are a LOT of cows all together and it is pretty unusual for us to have most of them all in one pen.