The Work Isn’t Done

night time on the farm, when the work isn't done the lights are on at the barn after dark

Around here, on the farm, the work is never done. We start out the day with one plan, but typically by the end of the day, the plan has changed several times! Most days start early, and with the time change in effect, most days end late as well. Lights on at the barn, at dark, is a sure sign that the work isn’t done.

Some days the work that didn’t get done can be put off until tomorrow. But, other days there are things that just can’t wait. Whether it’s the bottle baby that needs to be fed at the end of the day or maybe it’s tractor work or a tire change for a piece of equipment that will be needed early in the morning, sometimes no matter how late it is, the work still has to be done.

The problem with some work is that it eventually gets too dark. There are some jobs that cannot be done at night no matter how many lights there are. There have been times that equipment couldn’t be brought inside the barn under the bright lights. Sometimes the parts that are needed can’t be gotten because the store is closed. Nevertheless, lights on at the barn after dark is never really a good sign!

I stood on the porch on this particular evening, looking at the barn with the lights on at dusk. More than likely, I was probably trying to figure out how late supper would be but, I overwhelmingly felt compelled to run and grab my phone and take a picture. After I had complied and taken the photo, I stood looking at the barn and wondered just why God would want me to take a picture of this particular seen. As I stood and prayed I heard him answer. It was just a nibble of a scripture that I couldn’t quite place.

“Night is coming when no man can work.”

the sun setting over the pond

I had to go read the words. John 9:3-5. Even Jesus understood that opportunities for service, ministry and doing good don’t last forever. He knew that he had to heal the man, even though doing this on the Sabbath would bring opposition against Him. He knew that His time was short and He had work to do….because night was coming and the work wasn’t done.

What a reminder! Night is coming. All day long, whether here on the farm or our other full-time jobs, we chase our tales with the knowledge that night is coming. You know it; you do it too! We hurry through the day knowing that the clock is ticking and we have things that we have to accomplish before we can lay our heads down on those pillows and fall asleep with the thoughts of the next day.

The work isn’t done though. In John 4:31-38, the disciples were trying to convince Jesus to stop and eat. Same thing as I was thinking standing on that porch that evening, “Come on husband. Stop working and eat. It’s time to end the work for the day.” But Jesus answered them and said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.  Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. “

field of cows with husband standing at the fence

If I had spoken to husband that night, he would’ve told me that he had things that had to be done. The work wasn’t done, there was lots to do and he would be home when he was finished. I probably would have sounded a lot like the disciples and complained that it could be done tomorrow…. Jesus shut that response down from them. He said, “You say we have 4 months until harvest. I say, the work isn’t done, the time is now.” ( The Heather translation!)

If we ever needed to hear those words, I believe it is today. The sun is setting, quickly. Night is coming when no man can work. The harvest is ready and the work isn’t done. In Matthew 9, Jesus went further to say, “The harvest is plentiful (there is plenty of work to do), but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers…”

I pray that each one of us would see that the work isn’t done. Let us not get complacent. Let us not believe the lie of the enemy that someone else will do it. Today, I pray to the Lord of the harvest, send laborers; send me! Father we know, that the time is short. You are coming soon. May I, may we all, work until the work is done. Pointing others to You, sharing as You lead. Amen.

faith from the farm, sharing as He leads

The Farmer’s Work

cows in the field at sunset with a sun-bow in the sky after being fed by the farmer
The sun is quickly setting, 
Most of the work is done.
The day is finally ending,
And the night is almost come.

The cattle enjoy the last few rays,
The grass is green and good.
They've barely seen the sun in days,
It has rained more than it should.

The farmer filled the rings with hay,
The feed has all been eaten.
He has worked so hard today,
But his list is almost beaten.

Tomorrow will start with its own new list,
New days bring their own circumstances.
Taking the day with each new twist,
Living like there are no second chances.

Getting all in, getting both feet wet;
Not just in farm and work, but with God.
Each day is on your mark, get set;
Remember the way is narrow, not broad.

A farmer always has work at hand,
But you and I, as Christians, do as well.
Each of us have to follow the command,
Our job is to go to all and tell.

Matthew 28:19-20 ESV 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

cows in the field at sunset after the farmer has fed them
  1. We are watching the end draw near. Thank you for this well written timely piece. I loved the analogy of…