My wooden nativity is still up. Yep, we are midway into March and I still have a nativity set up as you enter the farm. I even still have the solar light on it to make sure it is seen at night. I think my family has forgotten it is there and I think that people who come to the farm probably believe that I have forgotten it or am just too busy to take it down and put it away. But that is not the case at all, it is still up intentionally.
I see it almost daily and have since the first week of January, when all of the Christmas decorations were taken down. I look at it and I think about taking it down, but the question and answer remain the same. You see, I look at the nativity and I ask, “What will I put in it’s place? What will I replace it with?” But God always answers, “Why would you replace Me?
You may think I have over spiritualized some silly yard art, but I haven’t. I have felt very real conviction over removing that simple, wooden nativity. I finally told husband why I haven’t moved it. I just can’t get past the thought that I am replacing it with something much less significant. But why God? Why is some silly yard art from Christmas so important now?
I ended up driving to the end of the driveway this weekend to meet husband with his sunglasses and on my way back to the house, God spoke. May I never get too busy or too far away from Him that I don’t hear His still, small voice – His whisper. “The beginning. The beginning is the most important part. “
“The most important part is the start.”
I’ve heard my husband say those very words, almost exactly what God had spoken, many times. He loves to tell the story of how we found our first place to live and how I was pushing him to take a major loan and buy a place we couldn’t afford. I was pushing and I was panicking. But he felt God would provide and of course, God did and it was exactly what we needed and so much more. Through the years, when he has taught, counseled or preached, he has referred to that story and said these words, “The most important part is the start.”
Because we started out right, as right as we knew how, listening for God and following as close as we could, I not only believe, but I know, that is why we are where we are today. Not that we are anything or anybody, but smart financial decisions, paying our tithes and not sinking ourselves in debt, paved the way for our future. We made sure, husband made sure, our start was right.

We’ve been getting our garden ready and guess what? The start is the most important part! If the ground isn’t right, if the seeds aren’t good, nothing will grow and there will be no fruit. We are also in the construction business and guess what? You got it, the start is the most important part! If the foundation of the house isn’t right, the walls, the roof, the entire house will have to be adjusted or even changed to make up for it.
It all goes back to the start. If it weren’t for that baby in the manger, if not for the young virgin girl and the brave young man who married her, who knows if there would have even been a cross? He is divine and He is holy and God ordained it all, right from the start! Prophecy was fulfilled in even His conception. The most important part is the start.
The words of John chapter 1 speak so loudly. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That little baby, that nativity, is so much more than Christmas decor and so much more than even the holiday itself. We tuck it all away and move on to the next season, all the while missing the significance of it all. The start. It is the most important part.
Even in our Christian walk, it all starts somewhere; and that salvation moment, that encounter with Him, without that, nothing matters. We all need that start.
So, I’m not quite sure what will go in it’s place quite yet, but for now that little wooden nativity will remain. Many who see it may think that it is Christmas long forgotten. But maybe, just maybe, someone will ask why it is still there, seemingly forgotten, and I will be able to explain that it’s just serving as a reminder. A reminder to us all, that the most important part is the start.

If you haven’t made that start yet, make it today! A simple prayer is all it takes. Acknowledge Him as your Savior, repent of your sins, and accept His love and everlasting life today! What a day to make that start, the most important start of your life! For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2
Thank you, Heather, for your beautiful words about starting at the beginning- the nativity. If we start our prayers each day at the beginning we can continue praying all day long and give thanks to our Lord for His humble start in our lives each day.
You have such a gentle way of reminding us of our beginnings and God’s loving role.
Heather, This was powerful to read. YES, the foundation is so important. What we build our lives on is SO important. I love that you’ve left the nativity up and not replaced it with the next season’s decor. Every Easter I hang a cross in our home that has a purple colored cloth draped over the two outside arms symbolizing that the King has risen. I also place a crown of thorns over the cross – symbolizing the suffering and the victory together. This past year, I never it took it down – it is still hanging on our dining room wall. I needed to see it this past year and remember – HE is the Victor, not this world that we all are just passing through. Thank you for your heartfelt writing. Beautiful.
Yes! What a powerful reminder you have, the cross! We all need those things to help us focus on the main thing right now. I love that He is reminding us all of who He is! Thank you for being here!
We need those symbols so much to help us remember! Thank you for your words and your love for the Father!