We the People

Have you ever tried to do everything right only for people to see the small mistakes you made or even make up accusations?

Have you ever tried to be a better person and leave your past behind only for people to constantly remind you of who you were and what you’ve done?

How did it make you feel?
Didn’t you wish that someone would take your side, stand up for you? Didn’t you want someone to defend you because you knew that you just couldn’t defend yourself?

Imagine how hurt you feel. Imagine how sad and lonely you feel. Picture yourself standing there under the weight of all of the loneliness, hurt and frustration.

Now replace yourself in that picture with our president, Donald Trump.

There he stands, having done and continuing to do his best. Record upon record of good done, but the only things that people want to talk about are mistakes that he has made or better yet, make up accusations. Constant attack.

There he stands having become a better person. Someone who is no longer fighting for himself but for an entire country. Someone who no longer even wants to receive his paycheck. He gives away his earnings because the person he is now cares more about the needs of the many than the needs of the one.

How many days and nights has he stood and wondered who will take his side? Who will stand up for him? Who will defend him, his family, his accomplishments?

We should. We the people, we should. This isn’t about white or black, or any other race. It isn’t about Republican or Democrat or any party affiliations. This is about America. This is about “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Whatever it is that you want done or given to you, give to him. Sowing and reaping. What ever you plant, that is what you will harvest. Sometimes we sow and then we have to till the ground and sow again because of bad judgement. Sowing again gives us a way we reap a better harvest. Allow this man to reap a better harvest.

ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. ALL. Not just republicans, not just democrats; ALL. Not just Christian or non Christian;ALL. We have ALL made mistakes. We have ALL missed the mark. But there is forgiveness for us ALL at the foot of the cross. We want that forgiveness and the forgetfulness of God, but we refuse to forgive and forget for others. Psalms 103:12, 16 We as a nation, have refused to give grace and mercy to him but we want it for ourselves.

I wanted to address Christians, but instead I will address Americans.

Americans, as Romans 13:11 says, it is high time for us to wake from our sleep. The day is at hand. It is time that we support and pray and stand with our leader. We may not agree and see eye to eye on everything, but we must see him as we see ourselves. Standing there doing our best, trying our hardest to do right, to protect and serve, all the while, under attack. Once you put his face in the place of yours, only then, when we are in one another’s shoes, can we begin to feel empathy. Once you feel that empathy, then we ALL can begin to pray for him and stand up and defend him the way that we would want someone to do for us!

Can we do that? Can we the people come together and spread and share the load to defend and pray for him as we would ourselves? I admit that I haven’t done this as I should. But won’t you join me today, and in the weeks and months ahead, to place him in our prayers and support and defend him the way that we would want others to pray and support and defend us?

  1. We are watching the end draw near. Thank you for this well written timely piece. I loved the analogy of…

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