What’s up sunshine?

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;   The Lord  lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-25

Boy, has it been hot around here! And dry… we are definitely in need of some rain! Well, we got some yesterday! After an extremely wet winter, we have been having an especially dry summer. We have even had some concerns around here about the grass beginning to die, which is not good when that is the primary source of food for all of these cattle! But this afternoon, we got some rain. It rained very heavily in some communities around us, but we got a good, soaking rain. As the rain was ending, I took a moment away from supper preparations and walked out onto the porch. I noticed that the sun was breaking through and although the sun was shining brightly, it was still raining. It got me to thinking….

Have you ever been there? You might be there now. I sure have been there (a few times)! Living in the dry seasons isn’t fun! You may feel like God is a million miles away. Maybe life is a bit of a struggle and nothing is coming easy. Maybe it just seems like the rain will never fall again and you might just dry up and die, like my grass! But let me tell you friend, the rain is coming! He is so faithful and He won’t leave us in that season for too long. And when the rain comes, He makes sure we know He is the one who sent it. When He shines His face on you, you can’t help but think of His promises and His Word. Isn’t that just like God? You see while I was standing on the back porch looking at the sunshine that was coming, something caught my attention in the front of the house. As I walked around to the front porch, I couldn’t help but laugh! There was the biggest full rainbow (really, a double rainbow!) completely encompassing the east part of the farm. You see, we sometimes just need the reminder of His promises. He never said it would be easy and he never said we wouldn’t go through dry places. Hey! Even Jesus spent some time in the desert. But on the other side of the dry season is the rain that renews and replenishes and the promises that your dry spirit is longing for. Maybe the promise is still a long ways off, but seeing that reminder sure does make it easier to wait! Praying you get some rain friends, and a rainbow!

I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. Genesis 9
  1. We are watching the end draw near. Thank you for this well written timely piece. I loved the analogy of…

  2. A beautiful analogy ❤️

  3. In God’s infinite mercy and promises, we can all find His love and peaceful, comforting care. He surrounds us with…

  4. We are all experiencing the seasonal changes but the one constant in our lives should continue to be Jesus Christ.…

  5. Amen, Alleluia! What a powerful message, Heather, for both young and old! We need to believe even more today than…

  6. Thank you. I love that He uses all of us to speak to others. I pray to continue to be…

  7. Heather, whether you know it or not, your words really do make a difference in my life. Your messages come…

  8. I love reading your blog. I’m glad you’re still continuing to write! Time…it is such a precious commodity. We have…

  9. Love this! Don’t quit your blog, keep pushing through. I love that he gives us new mercy each morning. I…

  10. Heather, These are excellent words of advice as it seems I have been out of my comfort zone all week.…

  11. God is truly our one Holy Loving Lord who does hear our cries and prayers and sees all of our…

  12. Thank you for sharing! I agree 100%. So many lessons are caught much more than taught. Actions usually speak louder…

  13. Yes! And Amen! Without Jesus’ birth there is no reason for Christmas. Beautifully said. Beautifully written. Blessed Christmas to you…

  14. Heather, What a beautiful thought for this blessed time and season! I do believe if we humbly ask for a…

  15. God is so patient with His children and will protect us from our fears and harm when it comes near…

  16. So very true! God loves us all and wants us to get to know Him – seek Him, ask for…

  17. Love this! Your patience and love for her is inspiring. And yes, He teaches us through His creation. Thank you…

  18. Heather, you are correct! Sometimes we just have to pick ourselves up, “dust” ourselves off, and look ahead so we…

  19. Very beautiful words that do apply to all of us! God does know that we need Him (like abundant rain)…

  20. Heather, Your words always seem to speak to me and while my worries are not about the rain but rather…

  21. Hello – Thank you for posting this! I will pray that you get rain soon. I do not have cattle…

  22. May God continue His blessings upon you and your family and friends, as we all must offer our hearts filled…

  23. “But one day, the right doctor in the right place figured it all out!” God’s timing….isn’t that just like our…

  24. Good Friday is such a special day in which we are reminded just how great a sacrifice was made for…

  25. I suffer with depression and anxiety. The amount of “flys” at times are so overwhelming. Some of those flys I…

  26. Such a great reminder to fight the good fight – with the right tools! And not be “naked and exposed…

  27. Heather What beautiful treasures, ordinary things can become , if we place all our trust in Him! And when we…

  28. I love the word pictures. Beautifully written. Thank you.

  29. Great way to point us to the one who we should be chasing. It is not our plans but only…

  30. Awesome as always.. You speak to the mind & also the spirit. God Bless you & your family in 2022.…

  31. What an awesome devotional you have written for us to ponder. I love that you write about the troughs your…

  32. Thanks for sharing these encouraging words 🙌🥰🌄🦋👏🙏 Merry Christmas!!!

  33. Yes! It is truly more blessed to give than to receive. We always think that means money or things, but…

  34. Thank you Heather! Your words reminded me of two individuals i believe Gods put in my path recently that appeared…

  35. Heather, I love your heart ❤️ Your words move me every single time I read them. Thanks for the encouragement…

  36. Heather, your words about Thanksgiving are so thoughtful and true! Thank you, Lord, that we have been blessed with so…

  37. Awesome insight. If being ready is consistently your most important goal, you will study the criteria to show yourself approved…

  38. Thank you, Heather! How wonderful that your words can paint such a beautiful picture of God’s love for all his…

  39. Thank you for sharing this! What a wonderful memory and testimony of his life ! I am sure your grandfather…

  40. I loved reading this. I live in West Michigan and we have had a lot of rain recently – gloomy,…

  41. Love this so much! I’ve never thought about having or being a tank of dreams before but You have opened…

  42. Wow! He always gives you a word but this one hit me hard. Thank you for sharing!

  43. Thank you Heather. You have a great insight relating everyday situations to what God wants to share with us, namely…

3 Replies to “What’s up sunshine?”

    1. Thanks! I was really wondering whether it was the right word for the right time! Hope you get that rain!

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