Have you ever had an item that just reminds you of a particular memory? Maybe that item is old and worn out, but because of the memories that it holds, you can’t get rid of it or through it away? Sometimes we need a reminder!
For me that item is this pair of shoes. These shoes are 15 years old and worn out. I’ve had the heels replaced once, but I still wear them every now and then. They remind me of a time in my life when I hated myself and was pretty upset with God. These shoes are the single greatest reminder of love for me. I will probably wear them until they fall apart and even then, I won’t throw them away. As a matter of fact, I wore them this weekend!
See in February of 2006, I had open heart surgery for a congenital birth defect. It was my second surgery for this. My children were 6, 3, & 1 at the time, and I was devastated. I literally planned for my death. Although miraculous that I had survived 3 pregnancies, and the children had survived, after surgery I had a hard time being thankful or feeling blessed.
I was struggling with body image and losing my independence through the healing process. As Easter was approaching, I had been able to go out and gather the items needed for the kids for the holiday. I had also found an outfit for me to wear for church that day. The only thing still needed was a pair of shoes for me to wear. Unexpectedly, I had to return to the hospital to stay and for a few days.
After a brief stay, I was released the day before Easter. This was one more blow to my spirit. Here it was the day before Easter, and I had not been able to buy shoes for the new outfit. It was really just one more thing for me to be angry about. I know that may sound silly and childish to you, but to me it was just about the end of my ability to be strong and hold it together.
I was already angry that I had needed this second surgery. I was afraid of dying at age 30 and my children not having a mother. I was lost in my faith because I felt like I had done everything right and God had let me down.
Husband knew I was upset and he just told me not to worry about it and let’s just get home. I got home and, of course I was happy to see my kids, but I was so upset about those shoes. I had worked so hard to have everyone’s clothes and Easter baskets ready. I had tried my best to be prepared and I felt like a failure.
Then, there was a knock at my back door. It was my neighbor Sherri and in her hand was my Easter outfit and a shoe box! I can see her standing there like it was yesterday! My husband had ran home one day while I was in the hospital and had given her my dress in order to buy me shoes!
She had found the cutest shoes. But it was so much more than that! Those shoes were love! They were my husband’s love for me, my friend’s love for me and my family, but most of all they were a tangible example of the love of God! He loved me so much that He knew just what I needed.
I wore those shoes proudly the next day, next week, next month and year after that! And here I am 15 years later wearing them still. Even when I look at them in my closet, I am reminded of His love, I am thankful, and I know just how blessed I am.

Reminders are important to God. In Joshua 4, God told Joshua to have the men find 12 stones. Then He told Joshua that these rocks would be a sign for them. Paraphrased, “In the future, when your children ask you about them, you will tell that what the Lord has done.” God knew that they would need a reminder of what He had done in the past.
Also, God set the rainbow in the sky in Genesis 9. He placed it there to be a sign, a reminder of His covenant with not only Noah but with “successive generations,” us! He loves us so much that He didn’t stop there.
He still gives us signs of His love everywhere.

God knows that we are fallible humans. He knows that we can be forgetful at times. In 2 Peter, the writer says, “Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. 13 I think it right, as long as I am in this body,[a] to stir you up by way of reminder.” We know what God has accomplished for us. We should be aware of His great love for us. Honestly, how could we ever doubt His love, our blessings, and who He is? But we do and He knew that we would.
So He gave us reminders. He gave us tangible things that we can see and touch and remember who He is and what He has done in our lives. For you, that reminder may be your child’s face. Your reminder may be a house, a certain place or maybe even a photo. For me, my reminder will always be a pair of shoes!

We all need to pray more and praise Him always for His unending love and kindness even when we are not sure why some things happen. He has a special way of showing us just how very much He cares for us each and every day! We just have to take the time to look for and listen to His subtle messages for all of His children.
Excellent blog Heather!