The Invisible Enemy

So much has changed in our world today, we cannot go out for fun or play.

There is an invisible enemy searching us out, it is very hard to tell what it’s all about.

This enemy seeks for the ones at risk, but then at random chooses those not on the list.

Some of the sick are barely sick at all, yet some of those chosen will answer death’s call.

Continue reading “The Invisible Enemy”

Get Back in That Pen!

Baby calves loose in the driveway

We have quite a few baby calves around the farm right now. But one pen, here in front of the house, has quite a few calves that are all relatively the same age. Those calves consistently escape to explore and more than once we have had to tell them to get back in that pen!

That pasture is surrounded on two sides by a wooden fence. But on the other two sides, there is only a single strand of hot wire. At this age, the calves are just small enough that they can walk directly under the hot wire without getting shocked. They just walk right out of the pen and get into trouble!

Continue reading “Get Back in That Pen!”

The Farmer’s Work

cows in the field at sunset with a sun-bow in the sky after being fed by the farmer
The sun is quickly setting, 
Most of the work is done.
The day is finally ending,
And the night is almost come.

The cattle enjoy the last few rays,
The grass is green and good.
They've barely seen the sun in days,
It has rained more than it should.

The farmer filled the rings with hay,
The feed has all been eaten.
He has worked so hard today,
But his list is almost beaten.

Tomorrow will start with its own new list,
New days bring their own circumstances.
Taking the day with each new twist,
Living like there are no second chances.

Getting all in, getting both feet wet;
Not just in farm and work, but with God.
Each day is on your mark, get set;
Remember the way is narrow, not broad.

A farmer always has work at hand,
But you and I, as Christians, do as well.
Each of us have to follow the command,
Our job is to go to all and tell.

Matthew 28:19-20 ESV 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

cows in the field at sunset after the farmer has fed them
  1. We are watching the end draw near. Thank you for this well written timely piece. I loved the analogy of…