Chasing “New”

chasing new heifers

It’s breeding season on the farm and we are in full swing! We have been super busy with cattle breeding. It’s always fun to plan for the next year’s calf crop, but it is also a little stressful! Should we or shouldn’t? That is always the question. Who to breed who to? What bull should we use? It also seems that we, along with every other cattle breeder, are always chasing new bulls. Who’s the next “great” bull? Who’s new?

We put a lot of time and homework into choosing the “right” bull to breed to each cow. It takes a lot of planning and we try to have a wide variety. It does always seem like we find ourselves chasing new bulls, new pedigrees and trying to make something great happen. This year we had a couple of different options and some of those made us stop and really think. One of the items we like to look at is progeny. What do past calves of the animal look like? Are there a lot of calves registered to a particular bull? If there aren’t, it makes you wonder why not?

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Be Different…Be the Gray Brahman

Can you see the one gray one?

We look at cattle, a lot! We look at cattle everyday, really. Somedays, husband and I will just jump on the four-wheeler or side-by-side in the afternoon, and ride through the cattle for relaxation. I know, it’s weird. We talk about our day or whatever is coming up; sometimes we talk about the cows. We make decisions on who should go and who should stay. It’s our time together. Yesterday, we did this as a wind-down from a full weekend and on our way back to the house, I asked him to stop the buggy so I could get out and take a few pictures.

Like a lot of other times, I knew there was a Word brewing in my spirit. I looked at the pasture that was overloaded with cattle. We have brought home the entire herd from the winter pastures. All of the cattle are here at home while the winter grass is dying and the summer grass is trying to take off. There are a LOT of cows all together and it is pretty unusual for us to have most of them all in one pen.

Continue reading “Be Different…Be the Gray Brahman”

Those Hands

those hands- the hands of my husband of 25 years

Those hands! I could say so much about them. I love those hands and the man that they belong to. I’ve been holding this hand for over 26 years and on this day, 25 years ago, I placed a ring on his hand, as he did on mine, and we said “I do!” This is the hand of my husband and the father of my children.

Nobody knows those hands like I do and what they have been through. Those hands speak volumes to me. They tell stories of injuries and work, lots of work. They also could tell stories of babies held and comforted, fevers cooled, casts signed (LOL), tears wiped, and hugs and tickles given. Those hands have shot and caught plenty of game, most for food and some for sport. They have also demonstrated how to fix and repair just about everything, as well as built not only the homes of others, but our own. They are hands that have disciplined and they have applauded.

Those hands have been folded in prayer and raised in praise. Those hands are the closest reminder I have to what the hands of my Heavenly Father are like. Jesus himself worked in carpentry. His hands knew work. His hands knew love, and when I look at the hands of my husband, I get just a glimpse of The Father.

Maybe you don’t have this kind of example in your life. Quite possibly you have struggled with the idea of how God fits into your life because your earthly examples have been less than ideal. I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry that this world has let you down. But, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19.

One thing that I know for sure, God won’t let you down. He is our friend and He is our Father. He loves, yet He disciplines. He comforts and He protects. He is just, yet He is merciful. He guides and He provides.

If you don’t know God like this, you can. Ask Him to be your Father, your husband and your friend today. We are His bride. We were made to serve, love and live for Him. Without Him, we will always be lacking and have a void that we cannot fill. Isaiah 62:5, “For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your sons marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.” He loves you and He wants to be all this and more for you; you need only call out to Him today.

Today, we will celebrate a life that has been built by these hands and the hands of God. We would not be here today had it not been that the hand of God was on us and with us. We’ve been through so much and there have been many opportunities to let go and walk away. Life has been tough sometimes. We have definitely lived our vows! Letting go would have made the enemy so happy, I’m sure. But the day we decided, we decided. There’s no other hand for me. I’ll hold his hand as long as I live, because I know that as I hold his hand, he is holding the hand of the Father and those hands are all I need.

Happy 25th wedding anniversary to us! I love you, G!