The Most Important Part is the Start

the nativity scene is still up - the most important part is the start

My wooden nativity is still up. Yep, we are midway into March and I still have a nativity set up as you enter the farm. I even still have the solar light on it to make sure it is seen at night. I think my family has forgotten it is there and I think that people who come to the farm probably believe that I have forgotten it or am just too busy to take it down and put it away. But that is not the case at all, it is still up intentionally.

I see it almost daily and have since the first week of January, when all of the Christmas decorations were taken down. I look at it and I think about taking it down, but the question and answer remain the same. You see, I look at the nativity and I ask, “What will I put in it’s place? What will I replace it with?” But God always answers, “Why would you replace Me?

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Seeing the Real Me

 do you see the real me?

Isn’t he cute? He sure is, but he is a handful. People see his cute picture and think how fun it would be to have a bottle baby to feed, but that’s only one side of the story. That cute picture doesn’t show the weeks of trying to work with his mom and save her bag in order to feed her baby. The pictures don’t show the expense of feeding and raising a bottle baby and the sadness of having to take his mom to the stockyard. There are no photos of feeding “Rev” in the freezing cold and rain, late at night, or early in the morning. And there are no videos of his cries once he was moved to the barn where it was warm and dry, his mom gone. Rev can honestly say (if baby cows could talk), no one is seeing the real me!

We take a lot of pictures on the farm, especially of cattle. We use photos for the blog, we send photos to folks looking to buy cattle, and then sometimes we just take photos to have because we like this one or that one. Either way, our phones are full of cattle pictures and all of them aren’t pretty. We don’t show people the ones where the cows are covered in mud and poop. We try not to show the ones where the cows are standing goofy or not positioned in just the right way. We don’t always get it right, but we sure try not to post or share the “bad” photos.

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