“Grace Looks Amazing on You” Book Review

I was so excited to receive a copy of “Grace Looks Amazing on You- 100 Days of Reflecting God’s Love.” This was an unbelievable opportunity, not to mention how this came to be!

I was checking email and came across this offer to do a book review. My thought was that it may be a scam or just junk mail. As I continued checking emails, I came across my daily devo from Proverbs 31 ministries. (If you don’t receive these, you are really missing out!) I don’t read them every day, but for certain on the days that I do, God has usually provided just what I need. This day was no different!

I opened the devotion and straight away, I noticed the author’s name. It was the very same author of the book that I had just been given the opportunity to review. Now I don’t believe in karma or coincidences. I believe in divine appointments from God Himself. So here I am, holding this beautiful, hard cover book and writing a book review! God is truly amazing and so is His grace!