“Grace Looks Amazing on You” Book Review

I was so excited to receive a copy of “Grace Looks Amazing on You- 100 Days of Reflecting God’s Love.” This was an unbelievable opportunity, not to mention how this came to be!

I was checking email and came across this offer to do a book review. My thought was that it may be a scam or just junk mail. As I continued checking emails, I came across my daily devo from Proverbs 31 ministries. (If you don’t receive these, you are really missing out!) I don’t read them every day, but for certain on the days that I do, God has usually provided just what I need. This day was no different!

I opened the devotion and straight away, I noticed the author’s name. It was the very same author of the book that I had just been given the opportunity to review. Now I don’t believe in karma or coincidences. I believe in divine appointments from God Himself. So here I am, holding this beautiful, hard cover book and writing a book review! God is truly amazing and so is His grace!

This devotional, by Amy Seiffert, is set up as days 1-100. This gives the reader the ability to start this devotional at any time and not just when it aligns with certain days/months of the year. It also has a Table of Contents that allows the reader to choose a topic with which to start as well. Each day includes a scripture, the author’s message and a Grace Reflection.

These “Grace Reflections” are questions posed to the reader that give challenging, real-life applications from that day’s devotional message. These often, also include a prayer for the reader. These thought-provoking challenges give the reader an opportunity to think past the obvious and delve deeper into themselves an see ways to not only find God’s grace in their own situation, but how it can be shared and revealed to others.

Each day’s devotion is easy to read, yet deep enough to speak to the soul. The scriptures relate well with the content and serve as a great jumping-off point to the message that follows. I really enjoyed how the author uses stories from her every day life as a mom, wife and Christian woman. It makes each message feel personal and applicable to real life.

I must share one of my favorites with you in hope that you will go out and purchase this devotional. (Also, there is a link below that will take you to an opportunity to win a free copy!) Day 53 is titled “The Leaf in the Table.” Although the author starts by relating this to a new baby that was coming and finding more love to go around for the addition, it quickly turned to such as awesome application for myself! Many times along this blog writing journey, I have wondered if I heard God correctly and if there was room for my niche in the great big blogging world! Was there really room for me at the table? Amy Seiffert stated it so well and her words jumped off the page for me in a way that clearly demonstrates God’s grace! “Not only are there enough seats a this table, the table misses out if I don’t take one.”

Wow! What a profound statement. Each of us have been offered a seat at the table. It is our job to take the seat and when we don’t take our seat, everyone else misses out on what were were there to bring to the table! And when the table looks too full, He just adds another leaf to the table.

I can’t wait to continue to dive into this book and hear what God is saying to me through it. I hope that you will consider checking it out as well. God’s grace truly is amazing and our lives look and feel so much better when we reflect Him and His grace! 1 Peter 4:10

enter to win a copy of grace looks amazing on you- link to site to win

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evening sun shining over the pond