The Phone Call

We got that call….you know the one that every parent fears? The one that sets your entire world spinning and motionless at the same time.

At 6:10pm on December 10, 2020, I got that call. I was finishing some Christmas shopping in Mobile and the kids had headed to our daughter’s apartment near the college (an hour and a half from home) to gather clothes, the hamster and prepare to be home for the holiday. They were going to spend the night and come back home the following day. They never made it.

About 15 minutes from the apartment, on a busy highway, someone pulled out in front of them. Our daughter was driving. She swerved to avoid hitting the car, clipped the back of them anyway, and ended up flipping the jeep 4-5 times according to the police officer on site.

When I answered the call, I thought that it was odd that J was calling me. I figured they had arrived, but they usually just texted that info. When I heard her voice on his phone, I knew. She was crying. There was an accident. J was hurt. She said she was ok.

I ran out of the store. I left all of the items somewhere…..I hung up from her long enough to call husband, our oldest and my parents. Pray. I flew from Mobile and picked up husband and headed to Hattiesburg. Our oldest headed that direction too.

I kept her on the phone. She cried. She handled business like a champ. J was in lots of pain. They were concerned about his back. She was concerned for her brother. He was alert.

That hour and a half drive turned into hours it seemed. J was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital, alone. She remained at the scene. Brother was close. He arrived, collected their stuff that was strewn all over the highway and ditch. Our soon to be daughter-in-law, held our daughter and let her cry.

Once our oldest got to the hospital, Covid guidelines seem to have disappeared. He was allowed in the room and we talked to nurses and J by phone. He seemed ok. We approved the CT scan. My anxiety and fear eased, a little.

We arrived at the hospital and husband never checked up as he went inside. I caught our son’s truck out of the corner of my eye. I held our daughter for a few moments. I looked her over. Not a scratch. Nothing but a small bump on her head and headache.

They flipped at least 4 times.

I went inside the hospital and other than masks, there was nothing different. All 3 of us stayed in the room; no Covid guidelines for these visitors. Thankful.

They brought him back and reported that unofficially there were no injuries noted on the scan. He was in pain, but he was ok. We looked him over. Not a scratch. Some dirt on his face and clothes. No glass. Nothing.

They flipped at least 4 times.

A little while later, pain meds on board, he was cleared. No injuries. Nothing.

I don’t know why….these phone calls don’t always end this way. I have friends who have gotten this same call and the ending was much worse. I don’t know why, but I do know how. God.

He knows the why. I don’t have to. He’s in control.

Nurses, police officers, all involved, acknowledged that this shouldn’t have been the outcome. They flipped at least 4 times and at a high rate of speed. The vehicle…I’m not sure I want to see it.

But I see them….They are sore, they are in pain. There are nightmares. But they are alive. Today, in the morning light, there are no visible signs of last night. They are miraculous. There is no other word.

Thankful doesn’t seem a strong enough word. Overwhelmed is better. Overwhelmed at His goodness, His protection, His sovereignty.

We got the call. The one that can change your life in an instant. This time, it had a different outcome. And for that, we are thankful. We are reminded Who is with us, Who goes before us, and Who will not leave us.

“And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

7 Replies to “The Phone Call”

  1. God will always take care of His children in ways we never thought possible
    You and your family are in my prayers.

  2. The tears are literally streaming right now. I am SOOO thankful they are safe! Please hug and tell them I love them. ❤️🙏🏻

  3. We got “that call” too. The drive to Dothan took forever. Walking into the ICU and hearing that there’s nothing else that can be done, changes you. Making decisions that no parent should have to make. The 2 grandchildren were now orphans requiring even more decisions. God came to me during the night. I saw Him and heard Him say “the kids are going to be ok”. Peace flooded my soul and I have been able to stand on this promise for the last 5 years. (And they are doing ok, great as a matter of fact)

    1. He is a good God. In the words of Job, The Lord gives and takes away but blessed be the name of the Lord. I pray you and they continue to be comforted.

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