Keep Your Eyes Open

Predators are a big part of life on the farm. They are everywhere and after everything. Predators can be our neighbors’ dogs or foxes that like to kill chickens. There is an eagle that like to show up most mornings and hunt fish and other things around the pond. Even our male cat gets in on the predatory action. We keep a constant eye out on the animals and especially babies on the farm. You have to keep your eyes open!

Recently, I had to replace the bird feeder because the cat broke it. He was jumping to catch a bird on the feeder! We have also caught him stalking a new nest in a tree in the back yard. I would much rather he hunt snakes around the pond and rats in the barn than birds in the feeder!

In the last few weeks, we had a pair of Canadian geese nesting in the pond. We really enjoyed watching the pair meet up in the afternoons when she would come off of the nest. We hoped that she was nested in a safe place and nothing would get her eggs. The day came and they had 2 chicks swimming with them in the pond. Unfortunately, the chicks didn’t make it for very long. The bald eagle had his eye on them and now the pair has moved on, without their babies.

Even the cattle are in danger from predators. We don’t often see coyotes, but we hear them. When there are calves on the ground, we have to keep our eyes open. We nearly lost a calf last fall to a pack of neighboring dogs. We were able to medicate the calf and nurse it back to health.

Watching our fluffy, sweet looking cat as he stalked the bird feeder one day, I was reminded of the scripture, “Be sober, be vigilant, your adversary walks about seeking who he may devour.” Those birds are constantly eating at that feeder, but they have to keep their eyes open and watch around them. They know that they can’t get distracted by the feeder and the other birds, or that cat may get them!

Those geese tried to keep their eyes open and protect their babies. If they saw us, they would press their bodies to the ground and try to hide in the grass. The male would sometimes flap his wings and honk with all his might to scare away whatever he thought was a predator. But at some point, the eagle found his moment and grabbed those chicks.

We were distracted. We didn’t keep our eyes open and when we noticed the calf was gone, it was almost too late to save it. We did save the calf and he lived, but the damage was done. We didn’t keep our eyes open!

Are your eyes open today? Are you distracted by the activity around you? Are you paying attention?

Everything that is happening in our world today is really nothing more than a distraction. Wars, and rumors of wars, strange weather and economic instability are all signs of the times, but IF we aren’t paying attention, we will only focus on those things.

Those things are only symptoms, they aren’t the illness. Ever been to a doctor who only treated you symptoms, but didn’t address the illness? That’s what is happening all around us. Distractions and things to prevent us from keeping our eyes open.

Open your eyes today. Ask God to help you and to open your eyes. Just as Elisha prayed for his servant. (You can read the story here.) Once God opens your eyes, everything makes sense.

Jesus is coming back. He is coming soon. Don’t be distracted by everything around you. Keep your eyes open.