Where He Leads

We recently added a new cow on the farm. This beautiful jersey is a highly anticipated addition. She was due to calve during the Christmas cold weather and needed to be in the barn. She will easily follow where he leads her.

“Jersey girl” has a history of easily accepting foster calves. That is one of the reasons we wanted her here. We were unsure of a couple of our recipient cows that are carrying embryos. So just to be sure everyone gets the milk needed to grow properly, husband wanted the jersey as a backup in case someone needed a new momma.

Jersey had a Christmas due date and we had extreme cold, so he made a space in the barn for her, just in case the baby came. Once the cold weather passed and she hadn’t calved yet, husband grabbed a bucket and led her back to the pasture.

It didn’t matter that he even had that bucket. She followed him anyway. She had no idea where they were going but she was quite content to follow him wherever he was leading her.

I rode behind and watched the two of them together. Both had only known each other for a couple of weeks. But the two of them were comfortable together and anyone watching would’ve thought that they had been together for years.

That jersey had learned over her lifetime that she could trust whoever she was with. The farmers before us had led her to a barn for milking and feeding. She had always been taken care of. Being at our farm was no different and she settled right in. Where ever he led, she would follow.

I sat there and snapped photos of the two of them and saw a picture of us with our Father. If we could just have that kind of faith and trust. If it didn’t matter where He was leading us, just that He knew where we were going.

I guess it’s human nature to want to know where you are going. I need to know all the details. The who, why, where and everything in between. God does not like to give me all of that information and I know why. He’s teaching me faith and trust, all while I’m whining and complaining.

But today, I’m looking at Jersey girl and reminding myself to be patient. I’m telling myself I don’t have to be in control, He knows where we are going. He knows the plan and He has the map.

All I have to do is follow WHERE HE LEADS.

“I am the Lord your God, … Who leads you by the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17

***I do not own the rights to this music. ***